What is Movie Night Mix you ask? If you're new to our community, the mix is all about things that are just aside from the norm, a little messy movie crew - family, friends, a Friday night with fellow movie lovers, and nights where Adam Sandler buddy comedies fit right alongside wholesome Steve Martin family flicks for Field Day Week.
Grown Ups and Cheaper By the Dozen 2 personify the build up to THE BIG DAY. A basketball rematch or a family tradition gone awry help these harmless (and let's call them what they are: FUN) movies make the cut. As the school year winds down, here's hoping that you and the crew get a day in the sun for the egg toss, 100 yard-dash and the rematch 365 days in the making. No week which focuses on an against all odds win, feats of strength and series of physical fitness events would be complete without going back to school with Frank the Tank in Old School. As wholesome as Cheaper By the Dozen 2 is, Old School is as rowdy but does have a through-line into Field Day Week. To save the fraternity - you know the story - Frank and the crew will push all the chips in with some traditional activities annnnnndddd some less than traditional routes and games, too. The picks for an unlikely trilogy of friends are in for this week: 1. Grown Ups 2. Cheaper By the Dozen 2 3. Old School Let us know your picks for an unlikely trio or the movies which culminate in a big competition, taking you right back to 4th grade races, relays and feats of incredible athleticism. 👇🏾👇🏽👇🏻 |
January 2023
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