Need some vistas, landscapes, different scenery than your four walls that aren't talking to you anymore? Just us? Whoops. Some different scenery never hurt anyone and beautifully shot scenery definitely never did. The heavy lifting has been done, find the platform or pop in the 4k versions of these movies for a little escape.
WHAT'S FOR DINNER? Red wine🍷 Seafood
A Voice to Reckon With can be a lot of different things and probably means different things to different readers. In July 2020, the new picks are limited to streaming platforms, theaters are basically shuttered and all might seem lost. Actors, Writers, Directors, Anniversaries of old movie releases, these are the things we hold onto right now and attach our hope to going forward. It might be the shift to female-directed action movies, Lonely Island Classics becoming a new sub-genre/production company to reckon with, reminders of when Nolan movies did just appear as scheduled, that gives us hope. A Voice to Reckon With looks out into the cinematic world to find the voices that give us hope. Do we always love every movie? No. We see the importance and potential down the road or in another piece of work that's already been produced (We will fight anyone that slanders Love and Basketball and does not include it as a top sports movie or romance). See. I didn't love The Old Guard but have a mild passion for Love and Basketball. We spotlight the change, the vision, the 'okay, there's something here that is really good' and share it with the world, because these individuals and teams are doing the same.
Hear us out, maaaaannnnn. Have you ever seen a character in a movie that you kept thinking about after, wondering about what they are up to,, then see the same actor in another movie and feel like there's that same connection? Nope? Just us? Okay. Fair enough. Enjoy the ride with us..
JK Simmons from Up in the Air has found his way to Palm Springs. When you see him making a delicious meal the joy I felt that the Up In the Air character found happiness was monumental. No need for you all to point out the various holes in the theory or hopeful vibes. It just felt good in that moment and both UpIn the Air and Palm Springs are damn good movies. Jack Black floating from High Fidelity to Dewey in School of Rock, or Don Cheadle taking the bag in Boogie Nights living the good life. Wondering how his Out of Sight character ended up on the wrong side of things. Sure, these are all a leap of faith, but something fun to pass the time wondering what might have happened to a character on an actor's resume along the way is the newest idea in our heads to try and remix the next movie night. C'mon, any reason for a Boogie Nights, Out of Sight double-feature is as good as any. As the Co-Executive Producer of your family, you need to get your crew up and running on the good stuff this summer. No more excuses about just shuffling into the theater for the next Marvel movie or animated blob or animal movie. Noooooooo. You are calling the shots this summer with what you and your emerging film lovers are watching. Okay, maybe you like to tell the truth and the fact of the matter is that you don't have one bit of input other than tossing out a suggestion here or there. Family Movie Club is all about going back, looking for some new memories and having a blast with the crew in 2020, as best you can
What to Eat? Go Back: Cereal favorites from your childhood. Go Forward: Match up one of your, "Hey, you gotta check this out" pick with the family's favorite local take-out spot. Pair up the dishes with the theme - southern, island fare. You get it. Let the kids pick the food. You might have nailed the movie pick. The written word, translated to the big screen - for those 3 month old followers we used to have this big screen where you used to go and watch a movie - is where we start with The Writer's Desk. Every movie has a script to work from, we thiiiinnnkkk, but some standout as leaders of the pack when it comes to character, dialogue and unique storylines.
These scripts look at a wide range of stories and purpose, but the common thread is empathy for these characters, advancing the story and great payoffs like the final scenes of Get Out and Thelma & Louise. The Writer's Desk can be a lonely place, but the ideas of those willing to take the leap and put in the work are the kinds of stories that we like to highlight, champion and tee up for your next movie night. What's For Dinner Homemade. Scratch. Create your own vision. Party at the moon tower. Keger at the house. One more trip with thr friends. Party time can mean a lot of things to us, but that indescribable feeling of a night or few days coming together perfectly is the vibe many of us could use right now.
These movies look at the party animal in all of us. Setting up the big night with the hope of capturing memories, fun, and maybe a buzz for good measure. Today is the best day of our lives, so why not go ahead and make it Party Time. What's For Dinner? Drive through your favorite sandwich shop, load up on the bag full of variety picks and and an extra-large shake for the road. |
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