For the first time in all of our collective memories, there won't be summer box office champion. Maybe Jurrasic Park and The Rental are battling it out somehow, but the void left by no definite tent pole hit or flop to razz, this all presents just another layer of melancholic residue in what is usually a fun, happy place. So, what do we all take away from this summer? For me, there is no replacing coming out of the heat and heading into theater 1 to see a blockbuster or the little indie gaining momentum organically through good old fashion buzz. Summer movie season is right up there with going to the pool, 4th of July fireworks, being on the water. This year, we all missed out, but we have some pretty fun times to recall and motivate us all to do our part to make sure that next year we are able to crown a box-office champion and of course the clunkers we checked out just to get in the cool AC. We'll be back.
What's to Eat? Taco truck trip on the way home from the pool.
Uhhhs. Yiiiikes. Wellllll, how about something else? Through our cinematic lives we have all sat on that couch with the wrong pick that felt wayyyyy too awkward. Drop those uncomfortable nights in the comments and some newer examples of making it weird.
What to Eat? Mom and Dad's special dish that you don't have the heart to tell them that it just isn't that good. Pass that fun down to the kids, right? 🤣🤣🤣 Taking a trip to the book fair isn't very likely this year, so heading out onto your streaming platform of choice will have to suffice. It's all about the double-feature for us, so a new pick with The One and Only Ivan paired with the terrific Wonder, can close the gap between getting that rush of picking up a new book and having some change left over. Friday night is family night for us and hopefully these picks match up well for your movie family. Drop those comments 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 with where these two land.
What to Eat? Homemade pizza night. Get creative, layer on the toppings, let the kids make a mess. Breezy. Light. A bit goofy. Sometimes, a bunch of mindless jokes and laughs hits just right.
What to Eat? Pantry Night! If it isn't in the pantry, it doesn't exist. Mix it up, boil it and let the goofball comedies roll. When months actually mattered and the scorched earth that was release dates existed, August always felt like a kindred spirit to January: forgotten, a dumping ground, buffer to the month ahead of it. However, looking back at Augusts of yore there are some fun flicks that found their way into theaters in the end of summer backseat. Take a look around and give everyone some more picks and as always, let us know what we are eating tonight.
WHAT'S FOR DINNER? One more cookout. The last burger, bake beans and side salad on a soggy paper plate. |
January 2023
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