September is that weird movie month where we aren’t quite to spooky season, not yet into the awards showcases yet, not quite at the holiday timeframe where families and friends round out time together with a movie, so this one ends up being a grab bag of movies with a pretty wide range of concepts and talent.
Don’t Worry Darling - The Woman King - Bros September offers up a trio of potential big theatrical releases. Our Nights Out radar always starts filling up coming out of Labor Day. Based on the plots, directors and stars in these three, our top of the list picks look promising. Check back after we get a chance to check out these if they’re worth a watch.
September is always a tough month on the home front to get kids back into routines, regimens, arithmetic and alliteration. Movie studios know this and looking ahead to the nights where parents have hit their walls and need it ALL laid out in front of them on an easy Friday night, they’re doing them a favor and dropping titles on streaming platforms. Thank the suits this time around for making the right call for us. Here’s what we’ve got to look forward to with the little ones heading into the fall. Yes, that’s a Rob Zombie movie for the crew making the cut. Could be a rabbit hole or just a one stop kind of night as you introduce your fam to The Munsters. Additionally l, time to hop on the next train to Nostalgiaville because the 90s favorite, Hocus Pocus gets the 20s treatment of increasing that dopamine to 11 with the cast back for another time or running amok, amok, amok. Thank the suits this time around for making the right call for us. Here’s what we’ve got to look forward to with the little ones heading into the fall.
Wrapping up the summer of 2022 as one we feel will be remembered as a sign of shifts in tastes and studio approaches due to the success of Top Gun: Maverick.
Tossing out our thoughts on a pivot point type of summer. Could it actually point to something impossible to fathom but BIG MOVIES FOR ADULTS CAN WORK (and the coveted 18-35 might come out too)? We’re big believers in movie preferences reflecting a lot more than just picking a movie (societal shifts, consumer trends, reflectors of society to name a few). With TGM, the age span of moviegoers had to be one of the widest seen in recent memory and it begs an important question: Will studios take note or go further down the reboot, sequel path that TGM seemed to avoid the pitfalls which seemed blinking red in front of it before audiences embraced it BIG MOVIES FOR ADULTS CAN WORK (and the coveted 18-35 might come out too) Top Gun: Maverick Elvis Where the Crawdad Sings COMICS ARE HERE TO STAY AND NOT GOING ANYWHERE . . . FOR NOW Is it possible that as Marvel wraps up Phase 4, which I will be glad to hear any rationale, calm takes on what Phase 4 overall is really about, but are there chips appearing in the armor and points of saturation starting to appear (Thor weekend two box-office drop the beginning of a drip, streaming shows cutting into the event-of-it-all)? Today, right now, the answer may be no and an absolutely never can happen but nearly 15 years in and a generation coming and going plus the upcoming lineup in Phase 5 . . . we’re just posing a question. WHAT’S GOING ON WITH FAMILY MOVIE PREFERENCES? Minions hit big but DC League of Super Pets swung and missed, while Lightyear faded away. What does it all mean? The reality of summer fading into fall is on the books this week with the flicks to help transition out of the best time of the year. Loss of innocence, moving on, looking back and seeing the full view of the summer that was. No matter how old we get, the sounds of summer change and fade away but those of summer often are the loudest with the late nights, trips, sunburns and frankly boatload of memories we’ve created. Movies might take up a sliver of our fullest summers but they are a part of the pie nonetheless. From Crooklyn and a summer on the stoop to anxiety of the school day in Eight Grade, this time of year is one of reflection, happiness and melancholy, yet they end up being the ones we look back on with some of the most reverence of any memories we have.
It’s getting hot and expensive out there, so this night we are staying in and remembering which subscriptions we haven’t canceled yet. Although we’ve cut the cord to save money, somehow we’re now in deeper than we ever were before and justifying $20 a month for about two releases a year. It’s fine, really, we’re excellent at this whole finance thing. Regardless if we are lost in the dollars and sense of it all, here’s a look at some picks that are out, some coming soon and a couple that might keep our attention for a couple hours.
A celebration of all machines in-motion or the hubs that house them. Transportation is a central theme or plot driver of many of our favorites when he take a moment to look back at them. Grab the keys, your boarding pass and metro card. In honor of Bullet Train we’re bringing you the best prep work around to catch one more ride this summer heading to another memorable movie night. Outside of the Box, Semis and Cars |
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