Even though a good chunk of this year has been one continuous family night, there's still something to be said for this time of year when all of the celebrations ramp up - the feeling will still happen this year even if it is virtual or less communal - and catching up on movies rises to the list for your cinema warriors.
Family is what we make it. Adopted. Biological. Circumstantial. When you feel a shared bond with everyone around you, that is family and what brings us together this time of year. As the activities look different, this is as good a time as any to remember that things are actual quite the same this year: family is what you make of it. Together or far apart, that is why we search for the connections or go back to our childhoods, all because of the longing for a sense of family. Even if for just one more time. Take time and smell the roses this time around and enjoy some time on the couch with all different types of families this weekend. What's to Eat? Cmon? You gotta ask? Pecan or Pumpkin pie leads the way, whatever it might be on the menu. Pair Knives Out with the main meal. Jingle Jangle with dessert.
When you open a holiday movie list with The Peanut Butter Falcon, you better-well have an explanation to follow. In this most different of years, it's obvious that this holiday season won't be like others and we need to acknowledge that. Also - and this is where The Peanut Butter Falcon comes in - over the next few weeks we should all find ways to connect with those who have lost something, feel isolated or simply don't have the will to engage in an already tough time of the year in their eyes. Movies can help. Consuming the perfect moments can helps some people feel better, but a bit more of the mess for me is how I can find the human elements and magic of this season. Sure, sometimes a movie may or may not have a bow and wrapping paper on it, but finding the joy in discovery or magic or simple self-discovery one who you are or the family that's formed, THAT is where your two-hours becomes valuable. Sure, remembering the warmth of holidays gone by is extremely valuable, but for it to all be picturesque or blatantly defined as a holiday movie just isn't our style. Like so many this year, it all is much, muchore complicated than it appears.
The Peanut Butter Falcon Unexpected bonds and family The Ice Storm Solace, isolation and disappointment Eat, Pray, Love Self-discovery THE REST Easy. You get it. Joy and wariness washing over you mixed in with some side trips and a dash of cynicism is what I like to call life. What to Eat? This is the time of year to being around the old family recipe and try it out. Wheeeeen maybe the dish isn't as good as grandma used to make, settle for some homemade Mac n' Cheese. Down but absolutely not out. You know the story as old as time, but until you have felt the bitter, stale taste of not just defeat but the repeated closed doors, feelings of inadequacy and outright element of being invisible to all around you the story of being down but not out seems like another one-sided tale that just can't be stomached again.
This Weekend's Mix Hidden Figures Timely and great performances, family night worthy. October Sky Uplifting and fun for the family. Seabiscuit If for no other reason but for the line "It's better to break a man's leg than his heart." The Pursuit of Happyness Will Smith delivering the goods. What's to Eat? Go pay for a strangers meal tonight. You'll figure out the take-out or grab something from the freezer. Tonight, find a random spot, drop $20 and be on your way with a smile on your face and warm heart Hell or High Water + Good Time
• Brothers • Desperation • Class • Ben Foster No Country For Old Men + There Will Be Blood • Cinematic Siblings • Texas Ex Machina + Her • The intimacy of technology creating the distance between humans • What's next • What's left • Hope in some of the most unexpected places • Phoenix, Adam's and ScarJo performances • Her, on the page should not work and could have been a catastrophe |
January 2023
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